Atkins Brown Consulting

Helping clients achieve long-term success with change initiatives


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Enhancing understanding and learning through the use of visual maps and facilitation

Short-term facilitation engagements or longer-term contracting support as part of a change team. 

· Facilitation

- Team building and performance

- Stakeholder engagement

- Focus group and information gathering

- Strategy and planning

· Change Management

- Change and readiness assessments

- Stakeholder analysis

- Change planning

- Communication and engagement strategies

- Post-change assessments

Phone: 408.966.9944

E-mail: tara at

Contact Taralyn Atkins-Brown:


Summarizing action plans for change sponsors

Picture: Facilitating discussion using graphicsPicture: Team building exercisePicture: Chart of executive change plan

Building cohesion through team building exercises

Picture: Chart of communication plan

Detailing change and communication plans for change teams

Picture: Logo